Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Our Meeting with IVFNE

So a few days ago, Mike and I had our first appointment with the IVFNE doctors. I am beyond relieved after spending a few hours there. Here's the short of the long of how it went.

We got lost. We went to where iPhone maps thought her office was rather than clicking on the address in the email. Big mistake. Thankfully we were only off by about 5 minutes so that was easily corrected, once we realized that a bank wasn't the IVF office.

Mind you, it's also snowing for the 3rd time this year while we have to drive the 20-30 minutes up there.

So we finally get to the office and check in and meet our amazing doctor. I can't begin to explain how excited I am for however long it's going to take to get pregnant from here going forward because this doctor ACTUALLY CARES. She looked through our medical records and tests that we've both done, asked us a bunch of questions about fertility, any issues we might have had in the past/things going on now. And we actually have a game plan!

Once we're back from Disney we will go ahead and start doing blood work/genetics testing/lots of other testing that I am slightly nervous for but I know I have no reason to be. Then once those tests and a few of Mike's test come back, we will go from there. As of right now she wants to try just a medicated cycle on a similar medicine to the one I was on last year since I responded to it so well. But the best part is that they want to monitor me through it doing ultrasounds and blood tests to make sure I am ovulating and timing things right.


As much as I was hoping that we wouldn't have to get to this point, part of me is so glad we are because I'll be getting the care that I need to see that we actually are doing things right! If this medicated cycle doesn't work the way it should, we may go to an IUI, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there.

I'm so thankful for my support system that I have with my husband, my family, my friends, my internet friends. You guys are all amazing and I am so thankful for all of your thoughts and prayers over the past 2 years (yup, it's been almost two years). This struggle has been long, but someday it will all be worth it when I can say "we did it" and have a cute little baby in our arms.

God Bless

(PS I dyed my hair red for our upcoming trip to Disney. I am Ariel)


  1. This is FABULOUS update, girl I am so excited for you two to have a doctor that cares and a plan of action! Can't wait to see how this goes for you!!

    1. Thanks Carissa!!!! Thanks for always being a positive support system in my life! <3

  2. Amanda,
    I know exactly what you mean about finding a doctor who cares! For me that feeling came when I met my acupuncturist, and it was such a relief to finally feel like I was working with someone who truly cared and was going to invest himself in my care and share my goals. I am so happy that you have found this at IVFNE, I can't wait to see what the future holds for you! Love, Shana :)

    1. Love you Shana!!! It's amazing knowing someone actually wants to see me get pregnant!


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