Friday, April 29, 2016

Our Story

Good morning guys and gals! I know I've shared our story in bits and pieces but I wanted to share our beginning to our end. I shared a good chunk of this story at It's Positive this week, but I wanted to make sure my readers, friends, and family were all aware of our life the past two years.


Life Before Our Diagnosis

April 26, 2014 was the best day of my life. It was the day I vowed to spend forever with my husband Mike. We both come from divorced parents (mine were separated when I was two) and we knew that divorce would never be an option for us. We spent our wedding day surrounded by our friends and family rejoicing in all that God had given to us. After years and years of seeking male approval, it was amazing to see God answer my prayer for a husband who was also pursuing God.

April 26, 2014 also marks the day we started trying to conceive a baby. At this point, my periods were inconsistent, but my physician told me not to worry about it because it probably was due to stress from the wedding. She also told me that once we were married I would start having normal cycles again. She couldn’t have been more wrong.

By August 2014, I had only had one period and I was still worried. This time when I went to the doctor to ask about what could be wrong, she said, “Oh sometimes these things take longer to adjust themselves back to normal.”I’m just going to pause here for a moment and say this: If you feel something is wrong with your body, seek a second opinion. If I had, maybe things would have progressed a bit faster in my story.

All the while, Mike and I were adjusting to married life pretty well and things were great. He moved down to my home town, we both got new jobs, found an apartment, started attending our amazing church as a married couple, and I became more active on the worship team. At this point, I wasn’t praying to be pregnant. I wasn’t praying for answers. I wasn’t actively trying anything. I was just hoping it would kind of happen on its own. It had only been a few months, so I didn’t need to see an OB/GYN.

January 2015 came around and I had only had 3 cycles since getting married. I knew now something was wrong, so I made my first OB/GYN appointment. At first, I loved my OB/GYN. She asked me far more questions than my physician asked. She seemed to care that first day. After asking
about my cycles and history, she said once I started my next cycle we would do day 3 lab work to see if I could be diagnosed with anything. I wouldn’t have those labs done for 3 more months.


On April 6, 2015 (also my husband’s birthday) I received a call from the doctor. “PCOS.” I was at rehearsal for a play when I got the call, and I really didn’t hear much after she said PCOS. I had no idea what it meant — both what the abbreviation meant and what it would mean for us going forward. The doctor told me to call her when I started my next cycle and we would start my first round of Clomid (an ovulation-inducing drug).

This was where I started to panic. I started to freak out. Why are women getting pregnant all the time, and yet here I am almost a year into trying and just getting a diagnosis to why I couldn’t be one of those women. I realized then that I needed to turn my focus toward God and not myself. I had started a blog but wasn’t using it very much, but I realized at that point that I needed to start using it as an outlet to keep myself leveled.

The past year (April 2015-2016) has been so hard on me, and yet I have never felt closer to the Lord. Six failed rounds of Clomid really does something to a woman psychologically. Each month I would think, “Yep, this is it. I ovulated, we did it, I’m going to be pregnant.” And like clockwork every month, I would take between 3 and 7 pregnancy tests — all negative. “Maybe I won’t get a positive until later after my missed period. Nope, here’s Aunt Flo, Amanda. Start again.” After my 4th failed round, I needed a break. The hot flashes, the emotions, the hormones, the tiredness — it was all catching up to me and I just couldn’t do another round. We took a cycle break (which lasted 3 months) only to do 2 more rounds of Clomid in January and February, which both failed.

Where Are We Now?

On March 21st, Mike and I went to IVFNE for our first meeting with a specialist. We sat and went over previous test results, discussed medical history for both of us, what we had done for the past 2 years of TTC, and things started looking up. We left the appointment thinking "Wow, this woman actually cares about us getting pregnant. She wants to see this happen!" We left the meeting knowing we were going on vacation a few weeks later. Once we came back from Disney I would go in for blood work and an ultra sound to confirm that I hadn't ovulated and wasn't pregnant, and then would start back on Provera to get things started again.

Well, this week (or course, on our 2 year wedding anniversary) Day 1 came, I did Day 3 blood work (10 vials I might add) and an ultra sound. Today the nurse called and said everything looked normal except my thyroid levels are at a 2.7 which isn't normally high, but she would like them at 2.5 so they'll retest me next week when I go in for a SHG.

So that's our story. Two years of trying, 13 cycles in that time (note: there should have been 24-26 if I was normal), no babies, lots of heart ache, but a lot of love. In a situation where Satan could have ripped us apart and made us resent each other, we sought God and he pulled us closer than I thought was imaginable, and I trust he will continue to keep us growing closer to each other.

May we continue to seek after God and follow his lead as we try to navigate through life.


Wednesday, April 27, 2016

733 Days

Dear Baby Hyde,
733 Days. It has been 733 days that Mommy and Daddy have been praying for you. We have been wanting you for 733 days. Since the day we became husband and wife we have prayed to become Mommy and Daddy. 733 days has come with 6 failed rounds of medicine to make you, a lot of blood work, a lot of ovulation and pregnancy tests, and a lot of tears. We never thought it would take us this long to know you're with us.

After about 370 days, we shared our desire for you with the world. We shared our struggle. We asked for prayers from  your grand parents, your great grandparents, your aunts and uncles, your cousins, your mentors, and future babysitters. You became part of a lot of people's stories, and now have so many prayer warriors surrounding you.

Mommy and Daddy don't know when you're going to become our baby. We don't know how many more days it will take for you to come to us. God is creating you so special for us, and showing us so many incredible things about Him in the waiting time. Even if it takes another 733 days of waiting, 733 days of tests and procedures,  733 days of praying, we will do it if it brings you to us. You are so loved already by so many people, but none more than you are loved by God. Just as God has plans for us, he has amazing plans for life little one.

Someday, when this part of my life is a distant memory and you are here with us, I will read this to you. Or have you read it because if I'm anything like your grandmother I won't be able to read a single word. I want you to read this and know how loved you have been since the day we started thinking of you. We not only prayed for us to get pregnant with you, but we prayed that you become a man or woman of God. I've prayed so many prayers to bless us with a child made perfectly in His image. I know that you are perfect sweet Baby Hyde. I don't know how long it will take, but you're worth the wait.

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

Lord, make me like Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel, and Hannah. Hear our prayer God that we may be blessed like these women and many other's in your Holy Word that we may be blessed with children. Your promises are good and you are amazing God. You make the impossible possible!


Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Who's Counting On You?

It's been just about two years of trying to get pregnant. Two years of testing, unanswered prayers, a lot of spiritually low moments, and a lot of doubt. It has also been two years of God still being there. It can be so easy to say "God hasn't gotten me pregnant and hasn't answered that prayer. Why is he ignoring me?"

Truth be told, God has answered so many of my prayers. Ironically, some of my greatest prayers weren't about myself. My biggest prayer for a very long time was for one of my best friends, and God provided. After years of trying and many complications, they now have a beautiful child and are blessed. Not that I think my prayer is the reason they have a child, but seeing that prayers do get answered has given me hope.

This friend knows how much I care for her, and how much I look up to her. I'm always counting on her. Her strength through a year of really tough times gives me hope during my tough times. Her elegance and grace during these first few months of motherhood is how I hope to be with my own child someday.

Of course I know that she isn't always strong. None of us are. But it raises the question: if I'm counting on her to be strong for me, who is counting on me to be strong for them?

I'm sure there were days before her pregnancy that my friend wanted to give up. How long can you actually keep going and getting your heart broken before just calling it quits? I know I have had days where I'm just ready to throw in the towel on children. But seeing God's blessing in her life keeps me going. She reminds me, intentionally or not, that God is full of miracles, and that God doesn't want to see us hurt.

My story is definitely not all smiles and rainbows like I try to show on the outside. I am a generally happy person, but I am not as strong as everyone thinks I am. I am vulnerable with my feelings and my life, and I'm pretty upfront with my struggles. And even with all of the pain and struggle, I'm making it through. And people are counting on me.

I know I've previously made a whole blog post based off of the song "Just Be Held' by Casting Crowns (find the post here) but I really wanted to just share the first few lines with you again.

Hold it all together, everybody needs you strong
But life hits you out of nowhere, barely leaves you holding on
When you're tired of fighting, chained by your control.
There is freedom in surrender, lay it down and let it go

I could be totally wrong, but I think the reason that people count on me through their hard times is because of my mindset through it all. This song has been my anthem throughout my infertility journey, but two years into this, these words haven't been more true. There is freedom in surrender, lay it down and let it go. I know that for me, I have to take medicine and do some of these procedures to be able to get pregnant, but that doesn't mean I can't lay down all of this to God and let it go. I have to be active in this journey to get pregnant, but I know that God has all the control in this.

Today, a friend of mine tagged me in a video on Instagram. It was on a public Instagram with just under 500K followers, and the girl in the video was saying "What if God specifically chose you to grow through pain and tragedy because he knows who's watching you?" and that really resonated with me. Sometimes it can be easy to forget through your pain that there could be a reason much bigger than yourself for the reason you're going through this. If going through infertility means that I am able to impact someone's life for Christ, I'll go through infertility forever. If it means that someone turns to Christ during their own fertility issues because they see the strength I have with God, then bring it on.

I want to continue to be an encouragement to people and show them that the ONLY reason I can handle all of this pain is Jesus. See, Jesus was physically nailed to a cross and died there after hours of suffering. And when those nails were pierced through his hands, my sin was nailed up on that cross with it. My infertility pain was nailed up there. YOUR sin and pain was nailed up there. And it died with Christ. And guess what? I know the end of the story. And Jesus overcomes the grave and now we get to spend eternity with him!

These pains of this world are just temporary, and praise God for that, because I can't wait for the day that I see him face to face in Heaven and he says "Well done, good and faithful servant". You see, having children isn't the answer; Jesus is the answer. And I have to follow his calling for my life. I think that children are part of God's plan for me, but my end goal isn't to have children. My end goal is to follow Jesus till my last breath and use every day between now and then doing his will for my life.

So who is counting on you today? Who's counting on your strength in the trials? Who's counting on your joy in the hard times? Who's counting on you to be the light of Jesus for them today? I know I have people counting on me, and so I press on for myself, my husband, and for them. If you're reading this and you are counting on me. I'd love to hear from you either through a comment below, a private message on Facebook or Instagram, email, anything. Send a carrier pigeon! If there's someone out there who's counting on me, I want to be able to pray for and with you as we all go on this journey of life together.

""His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!'"- Matthew 25:23

Love and many blessings,

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Our Trip to Disney World

Wow, what an amazing week we had! Coming home was hard (partially because our feet hurt so bad we could barely walk) but this was probably our best vacation to date.

As some of you may know, I have been planning this trip since Christmas, and had planned out every detail for the first 4 days of our 7 day vacation. I had fast passes, dinner reservations, what clothes we would wear, what rides to go on at what time without fast passes, which parks would be busier than other's, and all of this was planned out in an excel spread sheet. I read The Unofficial Guide to Walt Disney World 2016 cover to cover and highlighted information that I found important. I'll give you a hint; I found a lot of information important. I filled my Pinterest boards full of Disney Clothing, food that looked good, tips on how to save money, and crafts to do afterwards with things from the parks. I read many different Disney blogs (both official and unofficial), consulted my fellow Disney friends, and spent a lot of time on the WDW website.

And all of this paid off so well.

Now, I'm no expert on the parks. I might seem like I am, but I'm sure there was ways we could have saved money (like not buying 13 pins but I'll get to my pin obsession in a little bit), saved time, and saved our feet from lots of pain! So here is our trip in a nut shell!

Day 1- Hollywood Studios
On our first day, we spent the morning flying from cold, snowing New Hampshire to sunny Orlando! We checked into our hotel, dropped off all of our things from traveling that we didn't need at the parks and headed right to Hollywood Studios (HS). Of course, the first thing we had to do was go and get Mike a Turkey Leg. We had fast passes (FP+) for Star Tours from 235-335, so we got our Turkey Leg, went and watched the Beauty and the Beast show (something I had really wanted to see our last trip but our HS day got rained out). Let me just say, it was magical. I was on the verge of tears the whole show.
Single Rider Amanda on Rockin Roller Coaster
Single Rider Mike on Rockin Roller Coaster
We went and did our Star Tours ride (probably Mike's favorite ride to date) and then had FP+ for Toystory Midway Mania. Mike won (of course. I think he cheats at this one and the buzz lightyear game too) and we explored around a little bit. We were suppose to have FP+ for Tower of Terror (ToT) but we decided that since the Rockin' Roller Coaster had a single rider line, we'd go wait in line for that one.

Now, the only grumpy people I saw at Disney all week were the two ladies behind us in line for this single person line. How it works is if there's an empty seat on the ride, they fill it with a single rider. This particular ride is 2 seats across, so if the group is an even number of people, there obviously isn't going to be space for a single rider. The ladies behind us didn't get this concept and were complaining that the wait in single rider was going to be just as long as the normal stand by line (90 minutes at that point). Now, we'd gotten in line before them so we'd been waiting maybe 5 minutes more than them, and at this point we were in line for maybe 15 minutes. Oh these women were infuriating. They kept saying that they should do a car just for the single riders. HELLO. THAT DEFEATS THE WHOLE PURPOSE OF THE SINGLE RIDER LINE. Ok rant over, but they did give us some great laughs all week, and now we have our own joke about them.
We had reservations at the 50's Prime Time CafĂ© after this whole ordeal. It was absolutely delicious! I got crab cakes (I wasn't too hungry from traveling all day) and Mike got a sampler with Meatloaf, Pork, and Chicken. The service was fun, and it was definitely a different experience. If you're ever at HS, I'd recommend going to 50's!
After dinner, we went on The Great Movie Ride which was super cute and fun. We weren't sure if we were going to stay for the fireworks because we were exhausted, but we decided to stay for Fantasmic.
Hubby and I after riding ToT twice on our way out of the park

I can't even begin to explain Fantasmic to anyone who hasn't seen it. It is by far the best show I've seen Disney do. It's got boat floats, projections on water, fireworks, amazing musical score, has amazing attention to detail, and features Sorcerer Mickey from Fantasia! I could have gone every night to HS to see Fantasmic!

Once Fantasmic was done, we were done. We were exhausted from being up since 4:30 AM and traveling and cramming a whole park in only 6 hours. I knew they had a new fireworks show featuring Star Wars music, but we were just too tired. Just for laughs, I decided to look at the wait times for ToT. There was a 10 minute wait so we of course went over to it. The 10 minute wait was wrong though. We literally walked onto the ride. The cool part of ToT is that you can see the whole park when the doors open at the top, and that includes the amazing firework show happening at the same time. So not only did we get to ride one of my favorite rides, but we also got to watch fireworks from there too! It was so amazing, we got off and then got right back in "line" again (the park was about to close so there was no line)

We may have only spent a short time at Hollywood studios (the only park we only did one day of), but I can't WAIT until they open up Star Wars Land and ToyStory Land! It's going to bring this park from a 1/2 day park with 2 thrill rides to a can't miss park!
Day 2- Animal Kingdom

If you ask my husband, he will probably tell you that Animal Kingdom (AK)  is his favorite of the 4 parks at WDW. We are huge fans of going to zoo's and aquariums so AK is obviously one of our favorite places.

The two of us after eating lunch in front of the Tree of Life
This was our first day of getting up for rope drops. I'm just going to point this out now: if you want to do your WDW vacation right, it isn't a vacation, it's work! This day (Monday) we were up at 6:30 AM to be at AK before our Extra Magic Hours (EMH) started at 8 AM. It was an early morning, but it was so worth it! We were able to go explore the Asia and DinoLand area's and go on 2 rides before the parks were even open to the public! Because most people head right for Kilimanjaro Safari's and Expedition Everest, the lines for the rides we went on were very short, and there were no crowds of people around us! It was very peaceful and quiet which is rare for any Disney park!
We had our first FP+ at Kilimanjaro Safari's which is probably one of the best experiences Disney has done. You really feel like you're in Africa (not like I would know because I haven't actually been to Africa, but you know what I mean). Afterwards we went to Festival of the Lion King. Another great interactive show featuring the songs and characters from Lion King.
It's now about 12 PM. We've got one more FP+ and then lunch reservations. We walk all the way to the other side of the park to do Expedition Everest. We had never done this ride before, but I had an idea of what to expect. Or so I thought. I'm just going to let this picture explain it all.
Yup. That's us right in the middle with our arms up screaming our heads off! As you'll find out towards the end of this post, this is my new all time favorite ride in Disney.
We didn't like this ride at all...

Lunch at the Tusker house was pretty fantastic!!! I never thought I'd be one to eat African food unless I was in Africa, but here I was trying all this new food! It was SO good! On top of the amazing buffet of food, we got to meet Mickey, Daisy, and Donald Duck! They came right to our table in their Safari outfits for selfies and lots of laughs! It was also awesome to see one of my friends from high school who works at Tusker House!

By this point we were exhausted, so we headed out to go back to the hotel. This became tradition for the rest of the week to stop half way through the day (usually between 2-4 pm) and go take a nap (Mike) or if you were cool, you sat by the pool and got your tan on like me! This was also the day we explored Disney Springs and had fun there as well, but didn't spend a whole lot of time there (mostly because we were exhausted.). If only we knew how exhausted we'd be on day 7!

Day 3- EPCOT
Kisses in Italy
There are only a few things to report from our third day at WDW when we went to EPCOT (well, compared to the past 2 days worth of details).
We got to do Test Track which is one of our favorite rides, and of course our car was the fastest (reading at 86 MPH, but we only physically went about 62). We met Joy and Sadness from Inside out, Mickey, Minnie, and Goofy, and Belle in her beautiful blue dress. The only other thing we did that day was we (and by we I mean Mike) drank around the world. At the World Showcase, they have 11 countries, and by the end of the day, Mike would have had a drink from each one! A lot of people say you have to do a beer from each country, but we strayed from that just a little bit, and that's ok! Because sangria from Mexico was incredible!

Here's the order of countries/what he got.

UK-Bass Ale from Yorkshire
France- Red Wine from Les Halles Boulangerie-Patisserie

Morocco- Margarita Slushy Thing
Japan- Sake from Katsura Grill
United States- Shipyard Maple Bacon Stout from The Smoke House
*This was the point in the day that we went back to the hotel and relaxed. We came back around 745 PM*
Canada- La Fin Du Monde (I think) from the Popcorn Stand
Mexico- Sangria from La Cantina de San Angel
Italy- Espresso Martini from Tutto Italia Ristorante *Note Mike's favorite*
Germany- Schofferhofer Pink Grapefruit Hefeweizen from Sommerfest *Mike's second favorite, also where they gave us a free pretzel because it was the end of the night*
China- Some weird Buddha bottle of beer from the House of Good Fortune (The only thing open at this point)
Norway- Beer (I'll have to go back through my photo's to figure out exactly where/what he got here)
Day 4- Magic Kingdom

Magic Kingdom (MK) is my favorite park. I know it's super clichĂ© but I can't help it! I get tears in my eyes just thinking about MK. I cried when I first saw the castle on my 18th birthday, I cried when we first saw the castle on our honeymoon 2 years ago (PS Mike's first trip!), and I really had to hold back the tears this trip too. Disney is my happy place, and MK just screams happy!
We were at the kingdom for the opening ceremonies at 830AM (park opened at 9) and it was the best decision ever! First of all, the opening ceremonies are absolutely amazing, but more importantly, because we had fast passes for the new Seven Dwarf Mine Train, we didn't have to rush to Fantasyland with everyone else! We took our time getting drinks at the Main Street Bakery, and we went to my favorite MK ride, Big Thunder Mountain Railroad! It was our first FP+ of the day, but the line was so short, we rode it stand by first and then used our FP+.
We then went and road the very underwhelming Seven Dwarf Mine Train. I'm not sure what I was expecting from it, but after riding it, I can't believe people wait over two hours in line to ride it stand by! Yes it's new and so everyone wants to ride it that hasn't been to WDW since it opened in 2014, but as two adults going to WDW, we would never wait in a line that long for a 2 minute coaster (especially when Thunder Mountain had a 20-40 minute wait!).

The most Magical Place in the world!
And then, the most interesting part of our trip happened. We went on Peter Pan's Flight (again, not sure why people would wait 1-2 hours to ride this 2 minute ride, unless they have never been to Disney before) since we had never done it and had FP+ for it. As we were getting ready to get on we noticed a woman getting on about 6 ships up from us. She was being moved from a wheelchair so we were like "good for her for being able to get on the ride!" We get on, are really enjoying this ride more than I expected (but again, wouldn't do it without FP+), and just as we are getting to what I imagine is the end of the ride (since there was a pirate ship with Captain Hook and Peter Pan fighting on it) the ride stops. We here the "Please remain seated. This ride will start momentarily" message. And that message plays every minute for the next 15 minutes. All the while, we're on a downward slope in a "floating" ship, and right in between scenes/music so we hear a repeat of "you can fly" with the drums from the Indian part right behind us at full blast the whole time.
Now after 15 minutes, we assume that something has malfunctioned, until the lights came on the ride and Disney cast members were walking around talking to each of the boats. Someone had fallen getting off the ride, and she wasn't able to get up on her own, and for liability reasons Disney can't move them, so they had to wait for the EMT's to come. After what felt like an hour, but was probably closer to 25 minutes, the ride starts moving again and we finally get off. By the way, it was kind of cool to see a dark ride with it's lights on. So we get off the ride. They aren't letting anyone else on the ride (probably until they figure out why this person had fallen etc.) and sure enough the woman who had fallen was the one in the wheel chair. I felt so bad for her, but she was ok, she just couldn't physically get herself up. So as we were exiting, a disney cast member was handing out paper fast passes for the inconvenience. He saw that we had on our anniversary buttons and mike's birthday button, and gave us each 2 fast passes! It was a crappy situation, but it was cool to get that little extra magic.
Anyways, now that it's taken 45 minutes to tell just that one story, let's continue.

Meeting Experiment 626
We did a few more rides and met a few more characters before deciding to take our routine mid-day break. We hopped the monorail and rode it to the Polynesian which is now my new favorite hotel. It was absolutely breath taking, and the pool/beach area? Forget it. Our next trip I'll spend my whole trip on that little private beach where you can see the castle. After gawking over this deluxe hotel, we headed back to our value resort for naps/pool time. When we came back we did the last few rides we hadn't done (including using one of our paper fast passes for Space Mountain) before going to dinner at Be Our Guest.
Guys, I had tears in my eyes. The atmosphere was beautiful, the food was amazing, and every last detail in each room was perfect. When it was time for dessert, our waiter came over and said "we usually give our couples celebrating anniversaries a sample of The Grey Stuff, but unfortunately because it's later, we don't have any samples, so I'm going to give you guys the regular dessert Grey Stuff on the house." Again, I almost cried. The Grey stuff was literally the reason I had made the reservation. And it was delicious! But if you don't believe me, ask the dishes! We also got a lemon meringue cupcake (which they also didn't charge us for!). The magic just kept coming!
And then, this happened.

Two of my favorite men!

It was so magical, but we weren't done yet! We had EMH from 11-1AM and since we had relaxed in the afternoon, we were ready to go! The best part was that it had started to rain a little bit. Between this and the fact that only Disney Resort Guests were allowed on rides after 11, everyone cleared out of the park! I have never seen MK so dead before, not even in pictures (except the ones that Disney takes way before the park opens). We got on every ride we went on with no wait, including doing Big Thunder Mountain another 2 times. The rain didn't stop us at all! We did end up going back to the hotel around 1230 instead of 1, only because we were exhausted and our feet hurt from so much walking!

Day 5- EPCOT
Day 5 was a rough one. It was our first day with no plans. We knew we had 3 more days of park passes, but we weren't sure exactly where we'd be going. We woke up late (around 930) which was such a blessing. After being up so early everyday so far, it was nice to not worry about getting up early and just taking our time. We went and had breakfast (which of course was Mickey Waffles) and decided we'd go to EPCOT again. When we got to EPCOT, we decided we'd actually LEAVE the park, and go to the boardwalk. It was a quick little boat ride away, and was a great way to escape, even just for a little while. We had an awesome cannoli, some pizza, and just sat and watched the water and people around us. It was a nice break from the business of the week so far!
When we decided we'd had enough of just sitting around, we went back to EPCOT (this time by walking the 1/4 mile) and decided to ride Mission Space. I was so nervous. On our honeymoon I absolutely refused to do it because I was scared I would get sick or something. I was shaking getting into the ride. When the safety restraints came over my head I started to freak out a little, but didn't let it show. Once the ride started however I really liked it! *We did the easy version not the hard one*
We were pretty exhausted by this point of running around the park looking for different foods that we wanted (I think we walked the world showcase 2 times around that day) and riding different rides that we'd never been on before (like The Land, and Turtle Talk with Crush). And knowing what lie ahead for us the next two days, we figured an early night would be a good idea!

Day 6- Magic Kingdom
Our second to last day at WDW. I was not prepared for it. Magic Kingdom, as I said before, is my favorite park and I was so excited to get there today for multiple reasons. We had EMH from 8AM-9AM, so we slightly took our time getting to the park, but were still there at a reasonable time. We saw that the wait to meet Mickey Mouse was only 10 minutes so we jumped right at the chance to see the big cheese! We walked right in and got some great one on one time with Mickey, and the reason we love Magic Kingdom Mickey so much is that HE TALKS TO YOU. It's the most amazing thing. Don't believe me? Just look at these smiling faces! Mickey is Mike's favorite character, and I wish I could have captured the whole interaction on film because it'd be a movie I'd watch over and over. So after finishing our meet and greet with Mickey, we went right outside only to find Snow White with only a few people in line to meet her! So of course we went and met the fairest of them all! She was an absolute delight!
At this point it was a little after 9 and we were suppose to be meeting up with family friends of mine and their 10 year old daughter (who was in the wedding). When we found them, my heart just got so excited! I couldn't wait to spend my day with my "little sister" and her parents who are like a second set of parents to me! And boy did we have fun! Getting to see Disney through a child's eyes was a whole new adventure for us. Emilie hadn't been to the parks in many years so she didn't remember much of Magic Kingdom, so it was like experiencing it for the first time, and we got to be there for it all! We went on space mountain, the tea cups, Dumbo, and Splash Mountain! It was quite a fun morning/mid afternoon! We decided to all go back to our hotel to hang out by the pool for a few hours to just relax. When I say relax, I mean that I spent the time by the pool actually in the pool with Emilie and then we went and played Disney Trivia (and won of course!).

Emilie and I in front of the Castle
We headed back to the park to go and ride more rides, eat dinner, see the parade and fireworks, and just enjoy this evening together! We had just finished watching the Main Street Electrical Parade (which let me tell you, it's hard to take photo's of a parade at night with a 10 year old on your back) and decided to go ride Big Thunder Mountain. Emilie had never ridden it before so I was super excited to share in that moment with her! We got in line and I realized that the one thing I had really wanted to do (watch wishes in front of the castle on our last full night at Disney) wasn't going to happen since the fire works started at 10 and we probably would still be in line for BTM when they happened.


As went up the first hill (indoors) and down the first hill, the fire works started shooting off. We had the perfect view of wishes and got to be thrill seekers all at the same time. As much as I wish we had gotten to see the "traditional" wishes, for this trip I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. Emilie's face as she was experiencing this new roller coaster and watching fire works over Cinderella's castle was probably the most magical thing I've seen at Disney to date!
Once we got off BTM we stood and watched the rest of the fireworks, and then Emilie and I took the 2nd of our paper fast passes from Wednesday and went back on BTM! Man that girl has no fear! As we got off, we decided to call it a night a little early so that we could all go to Animal Kingdom together the next day and not be overly tired. We saw Celebrate the Magic, which was also an amazing presentation of animations cast onto the castle! I would say overall, we had the most magical day we could have had!
 Day 7- Animal Kingdom
Our last day had finally come. Part of me was so saddened that not only did we have to go back to reality and cold weather and work, but we also were leaving behind our friends. But we didn't let the sadness of this get in the way of us going to Animal Kingdom and having an amazing day!
We started off with Expedition Everest. All 5 of us went on it, and of course Emilie and I had to sit together. I didn't warn her about it going backwards and how big of a drop it was, and I'm glad I didn't! She LOVED IT. We would end up going on 2 more times that beautiful day! We ended up waiting standby for Kilimanjaro Safari's because I knew Emilie would LOVE it. The wait time said 90 minutes, but we only ended up waiting about 40 after getting to cut about half the line because our group was the perfect size to fit in on a tour that was mostly people in wheelchairs/scooters. We didn't complain! And Emilie loved it!
As I said, we went on Expedition Everest 3 times. The photo's on the left are our photo pass pictures from each of the trips! Our first one obviously Mike got SO excited that he blocked Emilie's face from the picture, which is why just the girls went on our second ride! We made sure we were at the front of our car that time too just to be safe and make sure that Em could be seen! I asked her before going on if she wanted to do anything funny or make a certain face and her response was "Let's just scream and have our hands up" and I think I did a pretty good job at that!
Our third time down however we decided to be cool and girly and make a heart with our hands (as you can see directly to the left) but don't let those smiles and the heart fool you. As soon as that picture was taken we put our arms up and screamed our heads off!
We weren't ready to let this day end. As we got off of our third time on Expedition Everest, we took some pictures in front of the mountain and went to find Mike and her parents. We ate a delicious African lunch (I had a sausage corn dog, but the breading was curry and now my mouth is watering and I want 12 more) and then went to go pick up a few trinkets and get ready to leave. My heart wasn't ready. I don't think any of us were ready to say goodbye to Disney or to each other. So we had this gem taken.
I know this post was long, so if you read the whole thing, wow, you must really wish you were in Disney or have a really long break at work! I mostly wrote this so that I could remember some of the amazing things from this trip for years to come, so thanks for sticking it out! We are already missing Disney and the amazing atmosphere that comes with being at the most magical place on earth! Until next time, remember that it was all started by a mouse!
Lots of Disney Magic,

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