Wednesday, April 27, 2016

733 Days

Dear Baby Hyde,
733 Days. It has been 733 days that Mommy and Daddy have been praying for you. We have been wanting you for 733 days. Since the day we became husband and wife we have prayed to become Mommy and Daddy. 733 days has come with 6 failed rounds of medicine to make you, a lot of blood work, a lot of ovulation and pregnancy tests, and a lot of tears. We never thought it would take us this long to know you're with us.

After about 370 days, we shared our desire for you with the world. We shared our struggle. We asked for prayers from  your grand parents, your great grandparents, your aunts and uncles, your cousins, your mentors, and future babysitters. You became part of a lot of people's stories, and now have so many prayer warriors surrounding you.

Mommy and Daddy don't know when you're going to become our baby. We don't know how many more days it will take for you to come to us. God is creating you so special for us, and showing us so many incredible things about Him in the waiting time. Even if it takes another 733 days of waiting, 733 days of tests and procedures,  733 days of praying, we will do it if it brings you to us. You are so loved already by so many people, but none more than you are loved by God. Just as God has plans for us, he has amazing plans for life little one.

Someday, when this part of my life is a distant memory and you are here with us, I will read this to you. Or have you read it because if I'm anything like your grandmother I won't be able to read a single word. I want you to read this and know how loved you have been since the day we started thinking of you. We not only prayed for us to get pregnant with you, but we prayed that you become a man or woman of God. I've prayed so many prayers to bless us with a child made perfectly in His image. I know that you are perfect sweet Baby Hyde. I don't know how long it will take, but you're worth the wait.

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

Lord, make me like Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel, and Hannah. Hear our prayer God that we may be blessed like these women and many other's in your Holy Word that we may be blessed with children. Your promises are good and you are amazing God. You make the impossible possible!


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