My heart feels good today. But my stomach doesn't. And that's ok.
The risk of miscarriage has drastically gone down now that I have hit this 12 week mark. I know you are never really "in the clear", but after the 12 week mark (especially if you've heard the heart beat and seen the baby on an ultrasound) the risk is very very minimal and so I'm holding on to that hope today. And the fact that I'm still nauseous pretty much all day every day except for a very rare few hours or afternoon.
I'm still in a lot of shock that pregnancy is actually happening for me. For years I never thought I'd see this day. If it wasn't for the fact that my stomach is starting to pop out and the feeling sick 24/7, I wouldn't believe it. Even after hearing the heart beat a few weeks ago I still feel like this is all a dream.
We found out about 2 months ago that our dreams were becoming a reality. Monday we go in for genetic testing, which includes an ultrasound. This Mama is excited to see her little bean and how much it's grown since our last US at 7 weeks. Especially since at that point we were just praying the baby was ok since it was right around the time of my hemorrhage, I'm excited for this ultrasound rather than nervous. According to the apps and websites and all that stuff that comes along with pregnancy and the 21st century, my baby is apparently about the size of a plum. That just astounds me. A month ago on the ultrasound we could barely make out where the baby ended and the egg sack started, so to know my baby has grown that much in such a short amount of time is absolutely bonkers!!!
My appetite has still been lacking. I know that if I eat I start to feel better, but the thought of eating just puts me into an even worse position of stomach vs mind vs food. Thankfully every morning I eat breakfast and that hasn't stopped yet. But the rest of the day? It's really a gamble. Even those amazing looking food videos/pictures on facebook/pinterest can make me want to run to the bathroom at times! Which is quite upsetting because I really wish I could eat!!! Even today as I sit at my desk writing this, I'm having trouble eating a strawberry frosted donut (with sprinkles because duh). Besides cereal, any sort of frosted with sprinkles donut from DD's has been really the only other non snack food I can stomach.
While we're on the subject of weird things pregnancy does to your body, the pregnancy dreams are crazy!!!!! They are the most vivid dreams I've ever had (and I usually remember my dreams a good portion of the time) and they are WEIRD. Like the dream I had about our landlord (not our real landlord) changing the layout of our apartment so that the upstairs neighbors had the whole upstairs and half of our apartment. because to them it didn't seem fair that we had a bigger apartment than the upstairs neighbors (which weren't our real neighbor either). And I remember extremely distinctly exactly how the house was designed (it was actually more like my grandparent's house) and what colors the walls were being painted!!! And this dream probably happened 3 or 4 weeks ago! There have been other dreams about going to Arby's and ordering massive amounts of curly fries, but let's not get into that one, ya know, because food.
I never knew how exhausting making a baby could be, but man, it's hard work! Although I may not be able to feel the kicks of little nugget or know if it's a boy or girl yet, this baby is giving me a run for my money! I'm pretty sure every day I'm not at work, I take at least one nap during the day. Heck, even on the days I work, I tend to go home and take a nap (or at least lay in the nice air conditioned room with the lights off and relax).
I'm sure once we have our Genetic testing done next week and have the results from that that I will probably write a new blog post about it, why we decided to do it, all the fun stuff. But since the only thing to change from week 6 to week 12 was the size of my belly, I will leave it at that!
Mama Hyde
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