Who knew that at just 4 months old, I have had to make a TON of decisions that are super controversial in the society we live in. I know many moms have similar views as I do, and I know many moms who don't, and that's totally okay. But here's what we're doing, how we're doing it, why, and some details of our amazing boy!
Since we had his 4 month appointment today, he got his second round of vaccines. I know, I know, starting in hot right out of the gate. For my husband and I, it's a no brainer to get him vaccinated. We both were as children, and are all the better for it. If we knew that he had reactions to the vaccinations, or they would do more harm than good to him, we wouldn't. But since he has no allergies that we know of yet, I'd rather protect my son with vaccines than run the risk of him getting a horrible illness.
And let me just put this out there so that y'all remember this- Vaccines do NOT cause Autism.
Alright, we've got that out of the way too. (And also, if it did cause Autism, would you rather your child die from one of these horrible disease's or LIVE?)
Any ways...
We also starting about a month and a half ago sending him to daycare 3 days a week. As amazing as being a stay at home mom would have been, and how much I respect SAHM's since it was a LOT for me to stay home for 3 months let alone YEARS, I needed to get back to work. Not just for the money, because money isn't everything, but I needed to get out of the house. I love my job and my boss is amazing, so I wouldn't have traded it for any other job in the world. I still feel super guilty leaving Josiah 3 days a week at the daycare, but the only saving grace is that my mom is with him at the daycare, so I know he's in loving and good hands. (And it's only 3 days for about 6 hours a day so it's the best of all worlds).
Since I'm back to work, Josiah is bottle fed at daycare and on Monday's when he's with Mike. We are still nursing when I'm home at night and on the weekends, and I pump during the week at work. I am SO proud of both Josiah and myself for nursing for 4 months. We had a hard first few weeks with supplementing formula, but my body has found it's rhythm with Josiah, and we're doing awesome (especially since he's 17.4 pounds now!)
Our life has been crazy with trips to NY to finish cleaning out my grandfather's house since he moved in April, having family and friend's stay at our house for weekends to visit and see Josiah, going away parties, birthday parties, game nights, and just typical every day craziness, but I wouldn't change it for anything in the world.
Josiah is thriving! As I said, 17.4 pounds, 26 inches, and just a ball of energy and love. He doesn't like to be laying down still unless he's sleeping. Loves to laugh at Mike and I, and is always keeping us on our toes. I'm still up with him at least 2 times during the night, but that's okay because he's a baby! And I secretly love the middle of the night nursing cuddles that we get. Although I do miss getting more than 3-5 hours of sleep straight a night.
I really don't have much else to say. Blogging has been on the back burner, and I know I probably only have like 2 people that enjoy reading them, but when I have the time, something semi important, or just have the energy, here we are!
Lots of love from us!
Amanda and JP
Following God's Path Throughout Infertility, Pregnancy, Motherhood, and Beyond.
Monday, July 24, 2017
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HE'S HERE HE'S HERE HE'S HERE HE'S HERE HE'S HERE!!!!!!!!!! I am in absolute awe. I'm a mom . Where did the pas...

Good morning guys and gals! I know I've shared our story in bits and pieces but I wanted to share our beginning to our end. I shared a g...
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Thanks for sharing the update. JP is getting so big!! You and Mike are doing a great job and making choices right for your family. Lots of love, Jess D.