Monday, October 31, 2016

Dear Baby Hyde

Baby Boy Hyde,
I write this in the first week of knowing that you are a boy. In my heart I knew you were going to be a boy, even though all those silly old wives tales pointed to girl. Once the doctor said officially that you were a boy, my heart filled with such joy to find out who you are.

After we found out you were a boy, Mommy and Daddy went to your MeMa and PePaw's house to share with them, your Nunna, your Tio Joe and Tia Jess, and Auntie Kayleen and Uncle Sean the joy of our hearts that you are YOU. Now, some people may argue that Joe and Jess, and Kayleen and Sean aren't REALLY your Aunts and Uncles, but you are just so loved by so many amazing people that it only seems fitting that they are your Aunts and Uncles. And yes, Cheyanne and Shelby and any future children from our best friends will be your cousins. You'll learn to love them as much as your "real" cousins.

Anyways, back to the real letter to you little nugget. Sorry, your mama gets on tangents and just kind of goes off on them a lot. You'll learn to live with it and love it, just like daddy does.

So, we sent your family on a Disney scavenger hunt around MeMa and PePaw's house which then ended with everyone coming to the porch to find out that you were a boy. And I have to link the video of everyone's reactions and joy. Your mama couldn't quite pop a popper and hold a phone at the same time, so we had to improvise and put the phone in my pocket which didn't work out great, but it worked.

After this amazing moment came lots of phone calls to your great grandpa, your other grandparents and aunts and uncles and your MeMa's closest friends. Everyone shared in the joy of knowing you're a boy with us and it was magical.

This week has been full of emotions for me little nugget. I loved you since the moment I knew you were in there, but knowing you're a boy and knowing I actually have a SON and that you are growing safely inside of me makes me love you more than you'll ever know. Something about knowing you are my son and the amazing things that will come from your life just brings me to tears (which isn't very hard with pregnancy hormones and since I am exactly like your MeMa).

Something else you should know about your Mama now is that I will force you to take a lot of pictures. Now when you're an infant you won't really have much of a choice, but as you get older, I am sorry but we will all be wearing matching Christmas Pajama's Christmas Eve, along with any other siblings that you may have, I will make you pose in silly ways for Disney pictures, and it will be crazy. But you will get use to it. Just like your daddy has. Anyways, the point being, I made your daddy carve a pumpkin for me yesterday so that we could announce to the world that you are a boy. And I'd say it's my favorite Halloween memory with your Daddy by far.

I would say your Daddy did a good job carving out the pumpkin. And of course Mama did the blue pumpkin on the inside since it meant not having to touch pumpkin guts!

Baby boy, I am so in love with you. My prayer for you today is that you continue to grow strong (judging by the kicks you keep giving me I think you're doing good!) and that when you are born that you are prepared for a LOT of love from a LOT of people, but none more than your Mama and Daddy and your savior Jesus Christ. For it is because of His grace that you have been given to us.

Now, please stay cooking in Mommy's belly, but man, we can not WAIT to meet you.

Mama Hyde

(PS for everyone else reading this, here's a few more pictures from our Gender Reveal Shoot)

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