As I've stated in a previous blog post, I have been actively "swagging" since March 2018. My current number on how much I've made is $1088.62. Over $1000 in about 5 months. Wowza! Here's some of my tips, trick, and some of the deals I've done to make this much money!
First and foremost, SIGN UP! Use the link here to earn an additional 300 SB if you earn 300 SB by the end of your first month (which if you continue reading, you'll learn it is very easy to do!)
The Basics
Here are the basics to Swagbuck. You earn Swagbucks (SB) by using the site for shopping, watching video's, doing searches, and completing surveys. 1 SB = $.01. You can cash out for as little as 300 SB ($3) for gift cards, paypal, you can even use it to make donations to charities! Here's a break down of each of the different ways to earn.
When you sign up for Swagbucks, you will be prompted to add the "Swagbutton" to your browser. DO IT. When you are shopping at your favorite websites, it will prompt you to get a percent back on your purchases (anywhere from 1%-10% depending on where you're shopping). You can also go directly to the shop page on Swagbucks for a whole list of places and how much their % back is!
This section isn't exactly the best way to make money, but you can watch video's through the watch section on Swagbucks to earn very minimal amounts back. There are places you can find video's that will run all day that you can leave running at home while you work or in the background to earn those extra few SB throughout the day. This is free money to make, even if it's only a few SB a day!
This is your survey section! Here you can take survey's for anywhere from 1sb to 300 sb per survey! I will warn you, to start these can be very frustrating. You're going to get disqualified from a LOT of surveys because they'll be looking for a particular demographic, or already have enough people that have taken it. But if you have free time to just sit down and do them, they can have a nice return! You don't have to spend any money for these, so this is free money when you complete them!
If you're serious about using Swagbucks to make big money and not just pocket change, this is where you're going to spend most of your time! In discover, you will find offers for a variety of deals specific for Swagbucks. A lot of these offers are signing up for a service or buying a product. But this is where you're going to make your money. For example, in this section right now you'll find a deal to receive 4000 SB ($40) for signing up for Gilette razors subscription (Costs $7 out of pocket). So in the end you end up making $33 and you get a razor! With these offers, for them to truly be money makers, you need to make sure you cancel your subscriptions before being charged again. A lot of times Swagbuck will say you can't cancel within the 32 days while it pends, so with Gilette, I skipped a month, and then canceled my service. Some of these offers you may find you want to keep, and that's totally okay! It can not only be a good way to make money, but a good way to discover new products that you love!
With discovers, make sure that you keep track of when things will credit and when to cancel subscriptions!!!
I keep a spreadsheet of all the offers I do through discover (and all my shop credits) with the amount of SB I should be rewarded and when they should complete. Taking screen shots of confirmation emails and the discover offer on Swagbuck will come in handy if you don't receive credit for offers you've done!
Using the search engine with Swagbucks isn't a guarantee SB maker, but sometimes when you search, you'll get a surprise bonus of anywhere from 2-20 SB (maybe more, but 20 is the most I've personally seen)
The last section is the play section. There are a few free games you can play. But you can also sign up for worldwinners and earn a certain amount of SB per dollar spent on the website (currently it's 12 SB per dollar spent). Worldwinners isn't available in every state (in NH it is, but when I was in Maine I couldn't play) and it IS gambling. I have had days where I've won games (plus gotten the SB per 1$ spent) and made a few bucks, but it takes money gambled to win money gambled. They do have a deal going on sometimes when you deposit your first amount of money, they'll give you free money to play with, plus an additional SB bonus (I deposited $20, they gave me $10 bonus to play with, and I made 1650 SB). The best way to do this is to deposit money to get the free bonus money to play with, play with the free money, and then once you've played all the free money, cash out your money plus any money earned with the free money. After doing that initial deal, I honestly wouldn't bother with this section, but to each their own.Daily Goals
So the last little bit I wanted to talk about was your Daily Goals. On the Swagbucks home page (easiest through a computer) you will see on the top bar your "Daily Goal". You actually have two. Your blue goal and your red goal. For completing your daily goal you get bonus SB (typically about 10% of your goal). For example, today my blue goal is 108 sb. If I earn 108 SB today, I'll get 11 SB bonus. My red goal is 210. If I reach that 210, I get 21 bonus sb. You only get one of these bonus, not both if you complete both. You can also get bonus sb for completing your goals for particular spans of time (25 sb for 7 days, 100 sb for 14 days, 200 sb for 21 days, and 300 for the whole months). All these bonus SB are delivered at the beginning of the next month. For this reason, I try to space out doing my discover offers rather than doing a bunch of them on one day. That way when they credit 32 days later, they are spaced out and help you make those winning streaks!
An easy way to meet your daily goals is to do your to do list (located on the left hand side of the home page on desktop). In this section you have a list of 8 tasks. If you complete 6/8 you get a bonus few sb, and if you complete all 8, you get even more (usually a bonus 8-10 sb)
Ok, I think that's enough to overwhelm you with. If you have ANY questions, leave a comment or shoot me a message! I love talking swagbucks and helping people earn free money! I can't wait to here what you are saving for and how much you're earning!!!