Thursday, November 9, 2017

Updating the Blog I've Forgotten Since Having JP

As I sit in my office on this freezing (literally) November day, I was asked by my boss "Do you still write that blog of yours?" And then it dawned on me: nope. I hadn't.

So what better time than the present to give a life update.

Life. Is. Crazy.

So Josiah is about 7 1/2 months old now and is definitely keeping us on our toes. He is in the process of getting over Croup and a cold at the same time, as well as his top 2 teeth are coming down. But besides being miserable from being sick, he is growing and becoming such an independent little boy. He rolls all over the place to get to toys or whatever he's looking for. He also can sit up on his own for long periods of time. Only problem is he hasn't figured out how to get to a sitting position on his own yet, so he gets a little frustrated with that. 

He also is getting up on his hands and knees and rocking, as well as doing planks and downward dog positions. He is SO close to learning how to crawl forwards, rather than the backwards crawl that he does now!

When it comes to eating, he's quite the funny one. He loves to eat Mama and Dada's food whenever possible! Sure, his puree's and puffs are great, but have you seen Mommy's steak and potatoes? Or Daddy's pizza? Way better than mushy squash. So typically he gets a little bit of our food at night too, which is fine with all involved! With the 4 teeth he has now, he has no problem with little pieces of food. He even picks up pieces on his own now!

JP talks non stop it seems. Most of it we can't understand, but when he said DaDa for the first time a few weeks back, we definitely heard that loud and clear! He also has a distinctive sound for Kitty and LOVES when they come play with him! They're getting a little more adventurous and coming closer to him as he gets older, and let him pet them!

Sleep is non existent at this point with his cold, but we started crib training him right before he got sick, so it's been a rough ride. He finally sleeps in his crib as opposed to in our bed all night, and typically does the first half of the night in his crib. Which for me is AMAZING because I get a few hours of sleep not worrying about where in the bed JP is. 

So How are Mom and Dad

We're tired. Always tired. But we're making it through! We are looking forward to the Christmas season and seeing the excitement of everything through Josiah's eyes. We may or may not have put up our tree yesterday, and Josiah wouldn't stop staring the entire time! He helped put a few ornaments on the tree and loved every minute of it. And of course Mama is excited that the tree and lights are up and the house just feels happier! 

As we approach the holiday season, I'm so thankful for the gift we have in Josiah. He has been such a blessing (except with sleep hahaha) and I can't believe we've had him for 7 months. The joy he gives to everyone who meets him is amazing. 

I've said it before and I'll say it again: I'm hoping to keep up better with this blog, and hoping to have better things to say than just an update on how life is. 

Love you all!
Amanda and JP

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HE'S HERE HE'S HERE HE'S HERE HE'S HERE HE'S HERE!!!!!!!!!! I am in absolute awe. I'm a mom . Where did the pas...