Here's the good news.
Did you wake up this morning? Are you alive? Then you have something to be thankful for!
Most of us don't live each day not knowing if we'll wake up tomorrow. We all just kind of assume that we fall asleep at night and wake up the next morning. I have people in my life that don't know if their loved ones are going to wake up tomorrow morning, and they are so thankful for the days they have. So why do we sit at our desks counting down the minutes till we're out of work and are thankful to be home, when we could be thanking God for allowing us to have a job and a house to go home to? The simple answer? We take everything for granted.
So this year, here's how my thankful list goes:
First and foremost, I am thankful for Jesus Christ who died for my sins. Without him, I would be nothing. I would be a sinner walking the streets without a care in the world for anyone. I would be damned to Hell for all eternity. But because God gave his only son to die on a cross for my sins, I get to live eternally in Heaven with Him. I can't ever stop being thankful for the sacrifice Jesus gave for me, and I won't ever forget it!
I am thankful for my PCOS
Woah Woah Woah hold on. Amanda, you're always talking about how much you hate PCOS and how much you're struggling with getting pregnant. How can you be thankful towards the cause of you not having that joy in your life?
Well my dear readers, it goes something like this. Because of PCOS, I have been able to help other people. I have been able to make a new community of friends through the struggles we're facing. PCOS has also brought my husband and I closer together. I know that may seem weird, but it's just another thing for us to talk about, pray over, and it was actually an answer to prayer to find out I have PCOS. Praying for an answer to why we weren't getting pregnant after a year of trying and getting an answer was an amazing testimony to God. Now our prayers go towards how to overcome this obstacle, but I am so thankful for this season in my life.
I am thankful for my husband.
I know, I know. DUH. Of course you're thankful for your husband Amanda.
Guys, it is so much more than that.
My husband is my rock. He is the one who after a long day of work, comes home, cooks me dinner, and listens to how my short day of work was. He's the one who let's me choose what show we watch at night. He gives me my space when I need it, and cuddles up close when he knows that's what I need before I even know. He is such a man of God, and he leads our home that way. I am so thankful for a man who not only has concern for me here on this Earth and the things we struggle through, but has concern for me in my walk with Christ and pushes me to be a better follower every single day. He believes that I can do anything. I could tell him I want to learn how to swallow swords and he would tell me that I could learn it by next week. When I'm down and crying about not being pregnant for the 19th month in a row, he just holds me and with this joy in his face says "Maybe next month will be it. Never give up hope."
Ladies, if you aren't married yet and are reading this, I just want to take a moment to tell you that being with a man who loves Christ more than he loves you is the most important decision you can make as a follower. I know a lot of woman, including myself, can long for that male attention. But when you have a man who is encouraging you to give God all your attention, and that you are priceless in his eyes? Never let him go.
I am thankful for the little things
The little things we take for granted are the things that are the most important. The fact that I have a car to go back and forth from work, the chips I have to snack on in the afternoon, having a body that allows me to walk up the stairs in my apartment, and just the simple things that I have clothes, food, a home, and a job are just so important. I hope I never lose sight of the fact that being able to live in a world where I can sit here and type this blog and have a) have the internet/a computer to type it and b) the freedom to share my thoughts without being persecuted for them. It truly is amazing to live in country like America. I know a lot of people don't feel that way, especially when it comes to politics, but I am so thankful that I have the ability to live in this country.
What are you thankful for today? What can I be praying with you for today? Please let me know!
God Bless, and have a happy Thanksgiving!