"Why don't you just adopt?"
If you follow my Instagram you may have seen this comment on a recent post of mine. And I was kind of taken back. My post was something along the lines of "my temp drastically dropped again, I'm giving up hope." And someone commented saying "why don't you just adopt. There's plenty of unwanted babies that need mothers."
Let me just start by saying. I did reply to this comment on Instagram. And I had to really watch what I said, as I will have to do here. But I think this needs to be said.
Just because I've been trying to get pregnant and have been unsuccessful so far, does NOT mean I have to give up and "just adopt". Anyone who knows me knows I have a heart for children, and I 100% will adopt a child some day. But today isn't that day.
Adoption is just as hard as getting pregnant. First of all, we can't adopt yet because we haven't been married long enough in the governments eyes (they won't even look at your application until you're at least 3 years married), and we aren't in an environment that they would say is ok for a child (a one bedroom. Oh the horror!).
And don't even get me started on the price. We would have way less kids in orphanages and in foster care if it wasn't so expensive to adopt these children! If we had the money to adopt a child we would do so tomorrow! But it guess what? We don't. And that's ok.
So to answer your question "why don't you just adopt?" Kind person of the Internet, I'm not going to "just adopt" because to me a child is so much more than giving in and picking up a child from an orphanage. It's not like a dog where you go pick out a pet for the next 10-15 years, this is a human being. And if I'm going to adopt, there needs to be a lot of prayer about if it's Gods timing, where to adopt from, WHO to adopt. And adopting shouldn't be a last resort. "Well, I've tried getting pregnant but I guess that's not happening so we have to adopt." No. No no no. If God is calling you to be a parent (whether biological or adoptive) God will provide! And if you're faith is dwindling that you will have a child, you need to become closer to God before bringing a child into your life.
I have a lot of emotions about this, especially being on day 1 of my cycle and having a lot of hope gone. But it's ok. Because God provides. Trust him. I'm trying so hard, and I feel like I've been falling short, but just keep trusting and following.